Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Tutorial to create HOT POTATOES (JMasher)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
I would like to explain about HOT POTATOES especially JMasher. JMasher is different with other types of HOT POTATOES. JMasher here is having function to collect all types exercise in HOT POTATOES. By using JMasher, the creator will operate all types of HOT POTATOES easily.
Then below, I will explain how to create JMasher.

Here is the result of HOT POTATOES exercise:

1. Open HOT POTATOES and choose JMasher here.
 2. And click "Add files" here.
 3. Add all of your works, including JQuiz, JMatch, JCross, JCloze and JMix here. and click "OK"

 4. If it is done, then click "Built unit".
 5. And the result of JMasher will be as the picture below.

Finally, that's all of the presentation about JMasher.
I hope it is useful for you all..

Thank you for visiting.. :)

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