Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
I would like to present my tutorial how to operate Alice. Alice is an application that used as media teaching to help students enjoy learning by using animation.
Here, I provide the tutorial based on the theme "TRANSPORTATION", while enjoying the tutorial you can also watch the video below to help you to operate it easily.
As a result, I hope this tutorial has beneficial for everyone who learns how to make a media teaching by using Alice.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
This is the example video of Alice.
First tap application Alice from your PC like this.
Set up your screen here.
Add objects to screen. You can choose object as many as you want.
There will be some objects here, they are alien, Alice, ship, and truck. Set your screen as picture below.
Then, you can set your camera view here by click on this.
After that, click on edit code to edit your objects. Below is the example of how to create a story like video Alice above. (Red circle is used to make the object walking)
After you have already edited your story board ave your video on youtube.
Then record your video until recorded and click STOP.
After that click NEXT.
There will be picture like this. then, click " log in to Youtube" and enter your Youtube account.
Finally, your video has already saved and you can watch it in you tube.
Thank you :)
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