Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

The tutorial how to create guiding and masking

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

I would like to present to you about the tutorial how to create masking and guiding in MACROMEDIA FLASH 8.
Moreover, masking is a way for you to control the content that your audience sees. for example, you can make a circular mask ad allow your audience to only see through the circular area, so that you get a keyhole or spotlight. While a guiding is a how to move an object or symbol in a predefined path such as curves or circle.

Below you can see the video how to make both.

1. This is the video about tutorial how to create a masking, check it out.

2. This is the video about tutorial how to create a guiding, check it out.

At the end, i would like to thank to you all visiting my blog.
Hopefully it will be useful for every one.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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