Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Tutorial to create HOT POTATOES (JCross)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I would like to present about tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES. However, HOT POTATOES is one of medias that used as media in teaching, there are 5 types of it that are JCLOZE, JQUIZ, JCROSS, JMIX, And JMATCH. By using this media teachers are able to increase student's ability especially in learning second language. Moreover, in this opportunity I would like to explain about how to create HOT POTATOES especially in JCross.
Here, the tutorial will be explain below, check it out!

1. Open your HOT POTATOES from your PC or laptop. Then choose JCross.

2. Write your title here.

3. Decide your cross here and write what words do you want.

4. Adding clues here in order to the test takers are able to fill the gap. If it's done click "ok".

5. DO the same thing to create cross words like this. But you have to do more than this you have to more creative.

6. If it's done for the all words and its clues click "OK".

7. Save your file like this.

 8. And view you file like this.

9. Finally your crosswords will become like this.

 That's all of my tutorial
Hopefully it's usefull for you all

Thank you for your visiting :)

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