Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

Tutorial How to Create an Exercise Evaluation with Flash 8

Tutorial How to Create an Exercise Evaluation with Flash 8

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
In this opportunity I will explain about how to create evaluation using Macromedia Flash 8.

You can watch the tutorial video below:

The tutorial of evaluation above has function to measure the students comprehension toward the material "Transportation". You can  also create the evaluation like the video above by your self. 
Thanks for visiting :)

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Tutorial how to create Button and Action Script

 Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

I would like to present to you how to make button and action script in MACROMEDIA FLASH 8.
Moreover, Button is symbol that used to rolled over it when the user click the button. Action script is Object Oriented Programming (OOP) that is designed specifically for website animation.

This is my result about how to create button and action script with Macromedia flash 8. Check this out!

Here, I will show the tutorial video below:

I hope the video above will be useful for you :)
Thank you
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The tutorial how to create guiding and masking

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

I would like to present to you about the tutorial how to create masking and guiding in MACROMEDIA FLASH 8.
Moreover, masking is a way for you to control the content that your audience sees. for example, you can make a circular mask ad allow your audience to only see through the circular area, so that you get a keyhole or spotlight. While a guiding is a how to move an object or symbol in a predefined path such as curves or circle.

Below you can see the video how to make both.

1. This is the video about tutorial how to create a masking, check it out.

2. This is the video about tutorial how to create a guiding, check it out.

At the end, i would like to thank to you all visiting my blog.
Hopefully it will be useful for every one.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Tutorial to create HOT POTATOES (JMasher)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
I would like to explain about HOT POTATOES especially JMasher. JMasher is different with other types of HOT POTATOES. JMasher here is having function to collect all types exercise in HOT POTATOES. By using JMasher, the creator will operate all types of HOT POTATOES easily.
Then below, I will explain how to create JMasher.

Here is the result of HOT POTATOES exercise:

1. Open HOT POTATOES and choose JMasher here.
 2. And click "Add files" here.
 3. Add all of your works, including JQuiz, JMatch, JCross, JCloze and JMix here. and click "OK"

 4. If it is done, then click "Built unit".
 5. And the result of JMasher will be as the picture below.

Finally, that's all of the presentation about JMasher.
I hope it is useful for you all..

Thank you for visiting.. :)

Tutorial to create HOT POTATOES (JCross)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I would like to present about tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES. However, HOT POTATOES is one of medias that used as media in teaching, there are 5 types of it that are JCLOZE, JQUIZ, JCROSS, JMIX, And JMATCH. By using this media teachers are able to increase student's ability especially in learning second language. Moreover, in this opportunity I would like to explain about how to create HOT POTATOES especially in JCross.
Here, the tutorial will be explain below, check it out!

1. Open your HOT POTATOES from your PC or laptop. Then choose JCross.

2. Write your title here.

3. Decide your cross here and write what words do you want.

4. Adding clues here in order to the test takers are able to fill the gap. If it's done click "ok".

5. DO the same thing to create cross words like this. But you have to do more than this you have to more creative.

6. If it's done for the all words and its clues click "OK".

7. Save your file like this.

 8. And view you file like this.

9. Finally your crosswords will become like this.

 That's all of my tutorial
Hopefully it's usefull for you all

Thank you for your visiting :)

Tutorial to create HOT POTATOES (JCloze)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I would like to present about tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES. However, HOT POTATOES is one of medias that used as media in teaching, there are 5 types of it that are JCLOZE, JQUIZ, JCROSS, JMIX, And JMATCH. By using this media teachers are able to increase student's ability especially in learning second language. Moreover, in this opportunity I would like to explain about how to create HOT POTATOES especially in JCLOZE.
Here, the tutorial will be explain below, check it out!

1. Open your HOT POTATOES from your PC or laptop. Then choose JCloze.

 2. Write your title here.
 3. Write a paragraph and choose the word that you want to be the gap. and click "Gap".
 4. Give clue for the word here.
 5. If you want to add another gap words, do the same thing as previous steps.
 6. Save your file as picture below.

 7. If you want to view your file, view it as the picture below.
 8. Finally, the JCloze will be appear as the picture below. In this exercise, the test taker should filling the gap.
I hope it is useful for you all.. :)

Thank you for visiting..

Tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES (JQuiz)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I would like to present about tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES. However, HOT POTATOES is one of medias that used as media in teaching, there are 5 types of it that are JCLOZE, JQUIZ, JCROSS, JMIX, And JMATCH. By using this media teachers are able to increase student's ability especially in learning second language. Moreover, in this opportunity I would like to explain about how to create HOT POTATOES especially in JQUIZ.
Here, the tutorial will be explain below, check it out!

1. Open your HOT POTATOES from your PC or laptop. Then choose JQuiz.

 2. Then write your title here.

3. Q1 here means question number 1. Its beside is slot to make a question and write your question here.

4. They are 4 slots for A B C D, it is to give answer for our question. Make sure there is one slot correct.
5. Also give the correct answer here.
6. If you want to make question more than one, move Q1 to Q2 and so on like here.
7. Save your file as the picture below.

8. And view your file as picture below.
9. Finally, this is the example of the multiple choice items.

10. Actually there are several types of JQuiz, you can use another type by select the other type here.
11. This is the example of short answer items in JQuiz.
12. You can also choose multi-select item here.
13. This is the example of multi-select exercise.
14. Another type of JQuiz is Hybrid.
15. This is the example of hybird exercise.

Although there are several types of JQuiz, the way how to make the quiz is same, the difference is on the answer.

Thank you for your visiting :)
Hopefully, it is useful..

The tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES (JMix)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I would like to present about tutorial how to create HOT POTATOES. However, HOT POTATOES is one of medias that used as media in teaching, there are 5 types of it that are JCLOZE, JQUIZ, JCROSS, JMIX, And JMATCH. By using this media teachers are able to increase student's ability especially in learning second language. Moreover, in this opportunity I would like to explain about how to create HOT POTATOES especially in JMix.
Here, the tutorial will be explain below, check it out!

1. Open your HOT POTATOES from your PC or laptop, and choose JMix.

2. Write your "Title" here.

 3.  Write your sentence that you want to mix in Main sentence. In this site you have to Write your sentence each word by entering as picture below.

 4. In Alternative sentence means you have to put the correct answer of your sentence here.

5. Then, save your file by following as picture below.

 6. If you want to view your file click as circle below.

7. Finally your file was done. This is the result of JMix.

Hopefully, it can help you to make JMix,
Thank you